12 noon, Friday afternoon a couple of weeks ago. Time to come out of the sunniest basement in Thornhill to deal with the Pooh-style rumbly in my tumbly.
The one slice of leftover frozen pizza was a good beginning – but wasn’t enough.
So I grabbed the Big Giant Pasta Pot and a few minutes later had enough macaroni for lunch (and a few more meals).
Fill a bowl with the mac, a little olive oil (extra virgin, of course), some Mrs. Dash Garlic & Herb, black pepper and parmesan cheese (the real thing, not that stuff in that green container) – and yum! No more rumbly tumbly.
Simple. Nice. Not exactly a Top Chef Quickfire winner (and I watch a LOT of Top Chef) but it hit the spot.
(Do you have a favourite quick lunch for your rumbly-tumbly days? Hit reply (lfox©accounting-wizard•com) and let me know – “Lawrence, my fav lunch is: “. Maybe I’ll add it to my repertoire!)
But here’s the main thing. No matter what’s for lunch:
Cooking isn’t rocket science.
What’s that mean for you?
Bookkeeping and accounting isn’t rocket science either.
(I can hear the screams of outrage from my colleagues now. “Lawrence, you can’t tell people that!” Yes I can. I just did)
I can also hear you saying “I’m a coach (or consultant or a creative type). You’re the accountant. Of course it’s not rocket science – for YOU.”
Bookkeeping and accounting are not YOUR zone of genius.
No, your zone of genius lies elsewhere. And that’s OK. We can’t be experts at all things. I’m not an expert at what you do!
If your bookkeeping and accounting is giving you a rumbly in your tumbly– or feels like rocket science to you – there’s an easy solution. Let’s talk.
Peas be with you and have a great day!
PS Yes, cooking isn’t rocket science. (It’s chemistry. Did I just read Lessons in Chemistry? Yes I did. Loved that book. Have you read it? What did you think about it?)
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