I was standing in the bedroom, in front of the big mirror.
And I was seething. Frustrated. Angry.
I looked down at the purple-patterned pieces of cloth clutched in my hands.
My pre-tied bowtie that I’d been wearing on and off for 8 months had fallen apart. The stitching holding it together just disintegrated.
I was pissed. Truly peeved.
You see, bowties were a “big thing” in my house, ever since Matt Smith debuted as the Eleventh Doctor Who (in April 2010). We were all Doctor fans and we love Smith and his bowties.
Bowties ARE cool.
My son so enjoyed the Doctor that his Bar-Mitzvah party was Doctor-themed and we both wore bowties. The one that fell apart in my hands? I had bought it just for that.
I threw the pieces down and said “Dammit, that’s the last time that’s gonna happen. I’m going to learn how to tie a bowtie on my own.”
So I bought one from a local Etsy shop. It sat on my dresser for months, mocking me. I just couldn’t figure out the steps no matter how many diagrams I looked at or Youtube videos I watched.
I was going to a one-day conference downtown in December 2014 and I said “I’ve got to dress up professionally; I’m going to figure out this bowtie thing!”
So I watched some more videos and tried and tried and tried. Gave up and went to bed.
In the morning, I figured I’d give it one more go.
And BANG! Everything just fell into place and I got it tied. (Yes, there’s a “secret” but once you figure it out, it’s easy. Isn’t that how life seems to be?)
Did I feel 10 feet tall? You betcha I did.
Off I went on December 3rd, 2014 to the conference, wearing my bowtie.
And it was a hit. (I got so many compliments on the bowtie!) Was it the confidence that figuring out the bowtie tying? I’ll never know.
When I got home, I ordered a whole bunch of bowties from an online vendor who specializes in bowties.
And now, I wear them all the time. It’s become part of who I am, much like they were for Matt Smith’s Doctor.
Heck, it’s right there all over this website “Hi, I’m Lawrence Fox, bowtie-wearing fountainpen-wielding online CPA….”
Today is my personal “bowtie holiday”. Because it’s the day I learned how to tie my own.
Yes, bowties are cool. And this is my story. Now you know it.
Have you got a similar story? Love to hear it!
Just bang on this email link (lfox©accounting-wizard•com) and say “Yes Lawrence, I’ve got a story like yours….” and let me know what it is!
I do personally answer all my emails. (No bot, no AI, no assistant. Me.)
PS International Bowtie Day is celebrated on August 28th every year. But my bowtie “anniversary” is in December.
PPS: The bowtie that fell apart? I wish I had kept it and framed it, but I tossed it out.
PPPS I get most of mine from the Bowtie Club. (no affiliate link, they’re just nice people). Heck the prop dep’t at NCIS (the original) bought some of Ducky’s ties from them.
PPPPS: Bowties are cool. But I don’t think you’ll ever see me wearing a fez. (Beret yes. Fedora yes. But fez? Definitely not).
The post Yes, bowties are cool. And December 3rd is a special day for me. appeared first on AccountingWizard Solutions.